Tuesday, 26 August 2014

My niece Heidi's wedding

So my niece got engaged after I had rented my 9 doors out for the same weekend. So we needed to create something new. Here's what I came up with. 
First I found 2 French glass doors (on kijiji of course) and painted them cream. I had this big window frame that I had used at Kelsey's wedding for all the lights to hang off in the centre of the room. So we hung it in between the 2 French doors. Then I was lucky enough the morning I was putting this together to find (on kijiji) 2 matching solid fur doors that I could pick up right away. I was going to paint them but after I washed them off at the car wash and sanded them I really liked the plain wood. So I hinged them to the French doors and the mantle I had for Kelsey's wedding fit perfectly under the window and in between the French doors. 
I found 9 panels of sheer curtains at value village which couldn't be more perfect ($9.99). I love value village!! So using those tension cord rods I hung them on the backsides of the doors and window!
I had 2 ikea scrolly frames that I tied random crochet lace to and hung them from the wood doors. 
The mantle was used to put pictures of heritage wedding photos. 
These flowers are in the chippy shabby chic cast iron planters I found at the vintage white market!  They looked perfect beside the wood doors!